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News on english
The museum project of a Polytechnic student was recognized as the best at the All-Russian competition

Its author, Anelia Shiyanovskaya, took first place in the final of the All–Russian competition "Fascinating Museology" in the nomination "Museum Projects".

News on english
Students of the Polytechnic University will take part in the design of the ECOPARK

On October 12, a working meeting of representatives of the VECHE Foundation with the teaching staff of the IVSPU took place.

News on english
The problems of young families were discussed at the Polytechnic University

The participants of the round table "Young family: problems and solutions", held on October 13 within the framework of the project "Your Future", were students of Ivanovo universities and specialists in various fields dealing with this issue.

News on english
The showroom of regional manufacturers has been updated at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

The showroom of the Competence Center of Textile and Light Industry has been replenished with new samples of textile materials and clothing from Ivanovo companies.

News on english
Scientists from Ivanov - at the general meeting of the RAASN

Corresponding member of the RAASN Varvara Rumyantseva and advisers of the RAASN Marina Akulova and Alexander Zakharov became participants of the anniversary General Meeting of members of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences.

News on english
Dialogue of Cultures at the Polytechnic University

Within the framework of the "International Dialogue" project, implemented with the support of Rosmolodezh, an interuniversity quiz dedicated to the ethno-cultural diversity of Russia was held at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

News on english
The Winners of the Youth Competition LEGPROMNAUKA Were Named

On October 7, the XXV Anniversary International Scientific and Technical Forum SMARTEX ended with the summing up and awards ceremony for the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian competition LEGPROMNAUKA.

News on english
SMARTEX Forum – To the Youth

The program of the youth block of the anniversary XXVth International Scientific and Practical Forum SMARTEX has become known.

News on english
The Polytechnic University has another grant from Rosmolodezh

Elena Kuklina, an employee of the Practice and Employment Department, will receive a grant from Rosmolodezh for the implementation of the “My Academy of Bright Career 2023” Forum” project.

News on english
Ivanovo Schoolchildren Get Acquainted With The Polytechnic

Eighth-graders from Ivanovo Lyceum No. 67 visited our university on September 21.

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