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SMARTEX Forum – To the Youth

SMARTEX Forum – To the Youth

The program of the youth block of the anniversary XXVth International Scientific and Practical Forum SMARTEX has become known.

On October 6th and 7th , Ivanovo Polytechnic University and its partners invite university and college students, graduate students, young teachers, beginners and specialists of enterprises with some experience to the finals of the All-Russian Youth Scientific Competition “LEGPROMNAUKA” and the Open Lecture Hall of the School of Young Scientists.

Let us clarify, in order to become a participant in the “LEGPROMNAUKA” competition, it was necessary to send an article for publication in the collection of materials of the SMARTEX forum. In it, clearly and in detail, present the results of their scientific research, and on the basis of the article, prepare a five-minute report and try to convince experts of the relevance and practical significance of the topic. There supposed to be winners in two categories: for the most interesting and well-executed scientific research and the best work with a high potential for commercialization, will share the prize fund established by the official industrial partner of the forum, the Thermopol company (Hollofiber®, Moscow), and will also compete for the right to receive training in “SEASONS TECH” acceleration program from the Russian Seasons Foundation.

It is not too late to join the contestants: registration on the SMARTEX website will end on October, 1st. Those who are not yet ready for public speaking are invited to simply cheer for the contestants, and at the same time improve their knowledge and communicate with experts. By the way, this time there will be a double composition of the competition commission to evaluate the work of the contestants. Along with reputable scientists representing various scientific schools and leading specialists of textile enterprises, successful young entrepreneurs and winners of the “LEGPROMNAUKA” competition of past years from Ivanovo, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and even Belarusian Vitebsk are invited to the competition commission.

The hearing of the contestants will take place on October 6th, the winners will be announced the next day. At the same time, the Open Lecture Hall of the School of Young Scientists will also be held. There are six lectures in the program, there will be no intersections, and everyone can become a listener of any of them. Vladislav Ivanov, director of project development at the “TERMOPOL” plant, suggests imagining a world without fabric. How to improve the properties of textile materials, and why do scientists blur the boundaries between liquid and gas? These questions will be answered by the Chief Researcher of the Institute of Chemistry of Solutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after G.A. Krestova Natalia Prorokova. She will also act as a speechwriter and voice the collective congratulations of the SMARTEX participants to German Evseyevich Krichevsky, a man whose name is associated with an entire era in the development of textile chemistry, and who is 90 years old!

Dozens of dissertations have been defended under the guidance of this unique scientist, many scientific monographs, textbooks, and articles have been published. Lectures by G.E. Krichevsky sounded in the best universities. The gift of a researcher was combined in him with the talent of an educator and the skill of a writer. One can envy his erudition, clarity of thought and how devoted he is to science. They listen to the opinion of German Evseyevich, see strong scientific foundations in his works, and many proudly call him their Teacher!

On this wave, follow the ancient Chinese wisdom and “start the journey of a thousand li from the first step”, i.e. with answers to questions about what a startup is and how it differs from ordinary entrepreneurship, how to find a successful business idea, find money for its implementation, and even make it the topic of the Qualification Work, Nadezhda Kornilova, director of the Engineering Center for Textile and Light Industry of the ISPU, offers the audience. And the topic of measures to support young innovators will be continued by the project manager of the Entrepreneurship Support Center of the Ivanovo My Business Center Tatyana Otryaskina and the general director of Russian Seasons LLC (Moscow) Daria Matsiyevskaya. Being the head of the fashion house of the same name, Daria will tell you what the “SEASONS TECH” accelerator is like, participation in which is waiting for one of the contestants. The successful experience of its implementation with the support of the Innopraktika Development Institute confirms that for young researchers and start-up entrepreneurs this is a great chance to learn how to work in a team and pump business ideas with experts from Sberbank, Yandex and other Russian companies.

The last meeting in the program of the lecture hall is a meeting with Oksana Burluka, executive director of the Jacobi House Foundation for the Support of Science and Art, general director of the BOS publishing house. She suggests talking about how to make research results visible and in demand, and what role a scientist's personal brand plays in this. What areas of research should become priorities for scientists, and how the domestic light industry can achieve technological and personnel sovereignty, the participants of the final plenary session, which will end the SMARTEX forum, will try to specify.

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