Приемная комиссия: +7 (930) 36-205-80, +7 (4932) 30-45-01
Приемная ректора: + 7 (4932) 32-85-45, e-mail: rector@ivgpu.ru
Электронная приемная

News on english
If you want to be in demand, be the best IT specialist

Eight out of ten graduates of the Department of Information Technology and Service defended their graduation theses with excellent marks.

News on english
From idea to implementation: Polytechnic University is intensively preparing for the implementation of the "Professionality" project

Our management team is being trained on the basis of the Senezh Management Workshop of the Presidential Platform “Russia is a Land of Opportunities”.

News on english
Students of the preparatory courses received certificates

Recently at our university the schoolchildren, who were the students of preparatory courses, were solemnly presented with certificates on the development of additional general developmental programs in technical and creative areas.

News on english
Forum "MAYAK - for quality services"

On June 15, Ivanovo Polytechnic University hosted a career guidance "MAYAK" (My Academy of a Bright Career), dedicated to staffing the quality services of enterprises in our region.

News on english
Sports achievements of the Polytechnic Universitystudents

Nikita Golubev won the championship of the Ivanovo region in athletics.

News on english
Participants of the Summer IT School will learn the history of the city

On the eve of Russia Day, Ivanovo schoolchildren - participants of the Summer IT School working at the Polytechnic, went on a "Historical trolleybus" with a tour of Ivanovo.

News on english
KSHI Department - on the birthday of the Ivanovo Calico Museum

On June 10, on the eve of the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers, the cultural community of the city celebrated the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Ivanovo Calico Museum. The Department of Sewing Products Design of IVSPU also took part in the festive events.

News on english
IVSPU students have developed a project of a tourist complex for the Mountain Shoria

Daria Illarionova and Yulia Lebedeva became the winners of the All-Russian competition of architectural solutions of the future "Taiga-dom", organized by the Ministry of Education of Kuzbass and the United Company "Sibshakhtostroy".

News on english
Future nanoengineers have won a scientific competition

Anastasia Trifonova and Yulia Dukhova, the final year students of the Nanoengineering course on 28.03.02, took first and second places, respectively, in the youth competition of scientific reports, which was held at the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design.

News on english
Victory in the All-Russian Olympiad in Textile Technology

Anastasia Stasenko from the SML31 group won the First All-Russian Olympiad "Green Course of textile and Light industry: technologies, standards, regulation", held at KNITU (Kazan).

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