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The museum project of a Polytechnic student was recognized as the best at the All-Russian competition

The museum project of a Polytechnic student was recognized as the best at the All-Russian competition

Its author, Anelia Shiyanovskaya, took first place in the final of the All–Russian competition "Fascinating Museology" in the nomination "Museum Projects".

Anelia Shiyanovskaya studies according to an individual study plan in the profile "Socio-cultural service and tourism" and together with her supervisor Felix Iosifovich Kagan has developed a project of an open museum space on Lenin Square in the city of Ivanovo. The project is called "The Square of Six Names", and it offers original art objects recreating the historical and cultural heritage and areas for re-socialization, that is, the restoration of lost ties with him and the guests of the city and its indigenous inhabitants.

The contest "Fascinating Museology" was held as part of the session of the Crimean Museological School "Museum studio". In addition to participating in it, A. Shiyanovskaya was trained in exposition and exhibition activities, attended experts’ lectures and practical classes. During the parallel presentations of monographs and other university projects, she presented the film "Ivanovo: Star Stories", created with the participation of second-year students of the Department of Information Technology and Service of IVSPU, which aroused keen interest and active discussion of the participants.

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