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News on english
Students visited the exhibition "Firefighters in the Service"

The exposition on the history of fire fighting in Ivanovo and Ivanovo-Voznesensk was prepared by the Ivanovo Museum named after I.I. D.G. Burylin and the State Archives of the Ivanovo Region.

News on english
Polytech - at the exhibition "Krok - 2022"

Most of the works presented at the exhibition of textile design "Krok - 2022" were made by teachers, students and graduates of the Department of Costume Design and Textiles. N.G. Mizonova.

News on english
MAYAK was held at the Polytechnic University with the participation of law enforcement agencies

Employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Leninsky District of Ivanovo took part in a meeting with students of the directions "Radio Engineering", "Construction", "Commodity Science" and the College of IVSPU.

News on english
Polytechnic University welcomes the participants of "Basicskills"

Ivanovo Polytechnic University hosted the opening of the city Olympiad of workers "Basicskills" 2022.

News on english
IVSPU - at the session of the Career Centers of the Central Federal District

Elena Kuklina, an employee of the Practice and Employment Department, represented our university in Moscow at the project and analytical session of the Career Centers of the Central Federal District.

News on english
New competencies - colleagues from the fashion industry

Teachers of the Institute of Technology of Light Industry, Fashion and Design of the Kazan National Research Technological University completed an internship at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University Department of Garments.

News on english
Ivanovo hosts the interregional forum “I am a Volunteer!”

The main platform of the forum, which brought together more than two hundred volunteers from 44 regions of Russia, was the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

News on english
“MAYAK” (My Bright Career Academy) for present and future textile workers

On October 26th, the Ivanovo Polytechnic University hosted a career guidance forum "MAYAK" for textile enterprises and students of specialized areas of training.

News on english
Participants of the project "International Dialogue" - against extremism.

On October 21, within the framework of the project "International Dialogue", implemented with the support of Rosmolodezh, an Interuniversity conference dedicated to the problems of extremism was held at the Polytechnic University.

News on english
A grand concert of student amateur performances was held at the Polytechnic University

The concert, which took place on October 20, concluded the festival "Polytechnic Creativity", which is a part of the program for the development of student self-government of our university.

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