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The Polytechnic University has another grant from Rosmolodezh

The Polytechnic University has another grant from Rosmolodezh

Elena Kuklina, an employee of the Practice and Employment Department, will receive a grant from Rosmolodezh for the implementation of the “My Academy of Bright Career 2023” Forum” project.

Elena became one of 14 winners of the grant competition, which was held as part of the X All-Russian Forum of Working Youth, which took place from September 30 to October 2 in Nizhny Novgorod. In total, 205 applications were submitted for the competition, and the forum itself was attended by young representatives of the communities of young professionals and the personnel reserve of companies, members of youth associations, working youth, as well as HR experts from all over Russia and representatives of authorities.

Addressing the forum participants, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) Denis Ashirov noted: “Working youth is the most important core that is successfully developing in the current conditions. Working with them and supporting them is one of the priority foundations for the development of statehood and state youth politics in general. Therefore, Rosmolodezh created a separate track “Rosmolodezh. Career”, which allows you to synchronize and systematize all the work related to both the career and the work of a young person.

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