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Scientists from Ivanov - at the general meeting of the RAASN

Scientists from Ivanov - at the general meeting of the RAASN

Corresponding member of the RAASN Varvara Rumyantseva and advisers of the RAASN Marina Akulova and Alexander Zakharov became participants of the anniversary General Meeting of members of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences.

The event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of one of the branch state academies of Sciences of the Russian Federation was held on October 11-13 in the capital's Central House of the Architect. President Vladimir Putin also congratulated the RAASN on its anniversary, noting that over the years the Academy has become a key research and creative center for the domestic construction complex, uniting talented scientists, architects, designers and urban planners around its tasks and goals.

Greetings and congratulations at the meeting were made by the President of the RAASN, Academician Dmitry Shvidkovsky, Minister of Construction and Housing Irek Fayzullin and other officials. The program included the opening of the anniversary exhibition of the RAASN, the presentation of the anniversary collection and book publications on the history of the Academy.

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