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Students of the Polytechnic University will take part in the design of the ECOPARK

Students of the Polytechnic University will take part in the design of the ECOPARK

On October 12, a working meeting of representatives of the VECHE Foundation with the teaching staff of the IVSPU took place.

Alexander Korotkov, Deputy Executive Director of the VECHE Foundation, presented the project of creating an Ecological cluster "ECOPARK" on the territory of the Ivanovo Region to Yulia Shammut, head of the IVSPU project office, Marina Pokrovskaya, Alexander Snitko and Elena Slobodina, teachers of the Department of Architecture and Building Materials.

The parties discussed the main aspects of the implementation of the environmental project and came to an agreement on cooperation, within the framework of which students of IVSPU will be able to develop draft designs of the future "ECOPARK". The best offers will form the basis of the project execution. In the future, it is planned to attract students to the direct implementation of the project on the territory of the Ivanovo region.

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