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News on english
Students can do an internship and find work at defense industry enterprises

An electronic service has been created on the portal of the Federal Personnel Center of the Military-Industrial Complex for the interaction of students with the personnel services of the military-industrial complex organizations.

News on english
New format of public speeches

Developing the format of public speeches to representatives of the industry and the business community, the Department of Sewing Design began a series of lectures for employees of the administration of the city of Ivanovo.

News on english
The magical world of dolls: an unusual master class was held at the Polytechnic

On January 27, the master class was held by Margarita Kutueva, a master in creating collectible exclusive dolls, a member of the international community of puppeteers, a graduate of the sewing design department in 2005.

News on english
Polytech scientists are among the authors of the Encyclopedia of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Russia

The publication for the section "Ivanovo printed textiles: features of historical development and artistic design" includes the results of scientific work of teachers of the Department of Costume Design and Textiles named after N.G. Mizonova.

News on english
The results of the Polytechnic skills Olympiad have been summed up

The participants of the multidisciplinary Olympiad of Polytechnic skills were 855 students of the university and its college, as well as 13 departments that prepared assignments for students. The results were summed up on January 25.

News on english
The Polytechnic celebrated the Day of Russian Students

The Day of Russian Students at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University began with the awarding of diplomas to the best students of the university, and ended with a meeting with the Governor of the region Stanislav Voskresensky.

News on english
Polytech joined the campaign "Everything for victory!"

A movement has been launched at the university to weave camouflage nets to be sent to the SWO zone.

News on english
Children of SMO participants will be able to study at universities for free: Polytech is waiting for future students

The Governor of the Ivanovo region Stanislav Voskresensky presented the first educational certificates to the children of the SMO participants.

News on english
Visiting the Polytechnic - Siberian Design Center

On January 17, the Ivanovo Polytechnic hosted a meeting between Rector Evgeny Rumyantsev and the head of the Department of Costume and Textile Design named after N.G. Mizonova Olga Surikova with the director of the REC "Siberian Design Center" Viktor Klimenko and his colleagues (Tomsk).

News on english
A scholarship named after S.P. Korolev will appear in Russia

A decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2022 established the S.P. Korolev Scholarship, which will be awarded to students and postgraduates for significant achievements in the field of engineering.

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