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The showroom of regional manufacturers has been updated at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

The showroom of regional manufacturers has been updated at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

The showroom of the Competence Center of Textile and Light Industry has been replenished with new samples of textile materials and clothing from Ivanovo companies.

Cotton and linen fabrics for home textiles, all types of knitted fabrics, membrane materials and fabrics for workwear, technical and non-woven textiles, various auxiliary materials, accessories, clothing are presented here. The well-known Ivanovo textile enterprises received permanent "registration" in the showroom: Shuisky chintz, TDL-Textile, Rodniki-Textile, Russian House, Galtex, Stellini RU, leading manufacturers of knitted fabrics Mirtex, Untex, Blackram. Special, including technical and non-woven textiles are demonstrated by Ultrastab, JSC Ivanovoiskozh, Lidertex, Fabitex, Mercury, Cloth Factory, Melange Textiles and others.

We also plan to present new scientific developments for the light industry here. A photo studio will soon open nearby, where young Ivanovo designers will be able to shoot presentation lookbooks of their collections, and manufacturers will order model photography of finished products for sale on Wildberries, Ozon, Lamoda and other marketplaces. The decoration of the Competence Center is an exposition of samples of designer clothes designed by Polytechnic students specifically for Ivanovo business, will be presented separately, in the welcome zone of the educational and production cluster, which is being created within the framework of the federal project "Professionalism".

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