Приемная комиссия: +7 (930) 36-205-80, +7 (4932) 30-45-01
Приемная ректора: + 7 (4932) 32-85-45, e-mail: rector@ivgpu.ru
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News on english
The regular meeting of the Dissertation Council D 212.355.01 was held at the Polytechnic University

On June 3, a meeting of the Dissertation Council D212.355.01 was held at the IVSPU, at which two dissertations were considered and diplomas of doctor and candidate of technical sciences were awarded.

News on english
A round table on targeted training was held at IVSPU

On June 1, our university hosted a seminar with representatives of municipalities and enterprises of the Ivanovo region, which are involved in training personnel for the region.

News on english
Meeting of leaders of the University Career Centers

Elena Vlasova, Head of the Practice and Employment Department, took part in the meeting of the heads of the Career Centers of the Universities of the Central Federal District, which took place on June 1 in Moscow.

News on english
The soul called

On May 27, at the request of the Head of the Teikovo District, Vitaly Katkov, the Resource Center for Tourism and Socio-Cultural Innovation of the Polytechnic University held an action called “The Soul Called” in the village of Pershino.

News on english
Polytechnic students celebrate Africa Day

On May 25th and 26th, in honor of the Day of Africa, foreign students of the Polytechnic University attended a festive concert at the Ivanovo House of Nationalities and the University for Chemistry and Technology, visiting fellow countrymen for a friendly tea party.

News on english
Summed up the results of project activities

From May 24th to May 26th, the Polytechnic University hosted the Project Festival, during which the results of the studentsproject activities in the second semester were summed up.

News on english
Ivanovo Polytechnic University trains the best textile designers

A fourth-year student, Svetlana Sizova, won first place in the All-Russian Fashion Satchel Contest, held at Southwestern State University.

News on english
Students supported the action Garden of Memory

Students and teachers of IVGPU took part in the international action "Garden of Memory".Its goal is to commemorate the memory of the 27 million who died during the Great Patriotic War by planting 27 million trees.

News on english
Postgraduate students of the Polytechnic University are in the finals of the Student Startup competition

Postgraduate students of the Department of Mechatronics and Radioelectronics Sergey Rodionov and Ivan Suvorov presented their projects in the final of the Student Startup competition.

News on english
The Polytechnic University celebrated the World Day of Cultural Diversity

The International Club of Ivanovo Polytechnic University hosted an action dedicated to the World Day of Cultural Diversity, which is celebrated on May 21.

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