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News on english
Keeping the traditions of the Textile Academy

The direction of training 29.00.00 Light industry technologies, which is implemented by the Ivanovo Polytechnic University, is recognized as one of the best in our country.

News on english
The results of the work for 2022 of the Upper Volga Representative Office of the Central Territorial Branch of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences were summed up

The general meeting of the Central Territorial Branch of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, at which the results of the work of regional academic assets were presented, was held on November 26.

News on english
The Polytechnic University hosted a festival-competition of children's creativity

The concert, in which the children of employees and students of the Polytechnic University showed off their talents, was a wonderful gift for Mother's Day, celebrated on November 27th .

News on english
Four teachers of IVSPU were awarded the title "Golden Names of Higher School".

The winners of the fifth All-Russian competition "Golden Names of Higher School" were professors Viktor Kuzmichev and Gaik Khosrovyan, associate professors Olga Surikova and Natalia Sakharova.

News on english
Trainings on the entrepreneurial competencies development were held at the Polytechnic University.

More than 180 students of IVSPU became participants of business intensive courses.

News on english
The Polytechnic celebrated the International Student's Day

On November 17 foreign students from universities of the Ivanovo region gathered at the Polytechnic University for an ethnic party dedicated to the International Students' Day.

News on english
The visiting school united students of five Ivanovo universities

60 Russian and foreign students of IVSPU, IvSU, ISEU, ISAA and ISCHTU became participants of the visiting interuniversity international school, held from November 10 to 12 in Kineshma.

News on english
Students of the Polytechnic University have created a Telegram channel "It's not boring in Ivanovo"

With the fact that it's boring in our city and there is nowhere to go to relax, have fun and do sports, the creators of the Telegram channel - 3rd year students of the direction "Socio-cultural service and Tourism" do not agree.

News on english
Russian culture on the Internet

Digital models of historical costumes developed by Alexey and Maria Moskviny, Candidates of Sciences from SPbGUPTD, together with employees of the Department of KSHI, are actively downloaded by visitors of the Sketchfab Internet platform, where 3D, VR and AR content is published, exchanged, sold and bought.

News on english
MAYAK for students of the Department of Construction and Engineering Systems

On November 9, the Polytechnic University hosted the forum "MAYAK - My Academy of a Bright Career" for students of the field of training "Construction", profiles "Industrial and Civil Construction", "Heat and gas Supply and ventilation" and "Water Supply and sanitation".

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