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The problems of young families were discussed at the Polytechnic University

The problems of young families were discussed at the Polytechnic University

The participants of the round table "Young family: problems and solutions", held on October 13 within the framework of the project "Your Future", were students of Ivanovo universities and specialists in various fields dealing with this issue.

The discussion was opened by the Vice-rector for Educational Activities and Educational Work of IVSPU Alexey Matrokhin, who noted the special social significance and importance of material and psychological support for young families. The topic was continued by Elena Smirnova, Head of the Department of Statistical Accounting, Processing and Storage of Documents of the Ivanovo Region Registry Office Committee, and Irina Panova, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the V. N. Gorodkov Ivanovo Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood.

IVSPU students also made small reports. One of the reports, for example, introduced the audience to family traditions and Russian folk wedding costume: its aesthetics and symbolism. And the head of the Department of social and Pedagogical creativity of the Ivanovo City Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity Polina Sidorova presented leisure practices that, in her opinion, can strengthen family relations.

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