Приемная комиссия: +7 (930) 36-205-80, +7 (4932) 30-45-01
Приемная ректора: + 7 (4932) 32-85-45, e-mail: rector@ivgpu.ru
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News on english
Ivanovo Polytech: Technology & Design: brand awareness is growing

The growing popularity of the Ivanovo Polytechnic is confirmed by the positions in the M-RATE rating of media activity of universities presented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia.

News on english
Polytech is working on the creation of new building materials

On February 20, a seminar was held at the Department of Architecture and Building Materials, the participants of which discussed the characteristics and production technologies of composite materials based on organic aggregates.

News on english
The rector of IVSPU Evgeny Rumyantsev visited the advanced Tula textile company

On February 20, a delegation of Ivanovo Polytechnic University headed by Rector Evgeny Rumyantsev visited Adventum Technologies, a resident of the technopark Plastic, located in the city of Uzlovaya, Tula region.

News on english
The topic of industry education was discussed at Fashion Style Russia

The moderator of the discussion platform on the issues of industry education, held in the capital's “Crocus Expo” center of the International Fashion Style Russia Exhibition, was the Rector of IVSPU Evgeny Rumyantsev.

News on english
Branded master class from "Beads"

On February 17, a master class "Sales Manager" was held at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University: who is he?", which was conducted by specialists of GC "Biser".

News on english
Ivanovo professor spoke at a conference of colleagues from Lipetsk

On February 17, Lipetsk State Technical University hosted the IV All-Russian (National) Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems of Materials Science". Our university was represented by the corresponding member of the RAASN, Professor Varvara Rumyantseva.

News on english
And the day lasts longer than a century ...

On February 15, students, teachers and staff of the Polytechnic University held an hour of history dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. Felix Kagan, the oldest employee of our university, told the participants about the bloodiest battle in the history of mankind.

News on english
Polytechnic University invites young people to scientific SEARCH

By tradition, on the Day of Russian Science, Ivanovo Polytechnic University announces the acceptance of applications for participation in the National Youth Scientific and Technical Conference "POISK".

News on english
Young Ivanovo designers in the finals of the PROfashion masters competition

In the finals of the All-Russian competition of industrial designers of outerwear PROfashion Masters, which will be held in Moscow at the CPM (Collection Première Moscow) exhibition, four students and graduates of the Costume and Textile Design Department N.G. Mizonova.

News on english
Ivanovo Polytechnic University at “Galtex” and “Konovalovskaya Manufacture”

On February 3rd, a delegation from the Polytechnic University visited the Vichuga textile companies “Galtex” and “Konovalovskaya Manufacture”.

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