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Future nanoengineers have won a scientific competition

Anastasia Trifonova and Yulia Dukhova, the final year students of the Nanoengineering course on 28.03.02, took first and second places, respectively, in the youth competition of scientific reports, which was held at the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design.

The scientific competition was held within the framework of the All-Russian Conference "Nanostructured, Fibrous and Composite Materials", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Ivanovich Meos, the founder of the Department of Chemical Fiber Technology (now Nanostructured, Fibrous and Composite Materials named after A.I. Meos).

Participating in the competition in absentia, Anastasia Trifonova and her supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Natalia Prorokova presented to the jury the report "The effect on the properties of polyester fabric of the method of forming on the surface of the threads forming it coating based on nanoscale titanium dioxide". Yulia Dukhova, who took the second place, prepared the report "Antibacterial textiles based on nanomaterials". Yulia's supervisor is Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor A.V. Agafonov.

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