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If you want to be in demand, be the best IT specialist

Eight out of ten graduates of the Department of Information Technology and Service defended their graduation theses with excellent marks.

Four students completing their studies in the direction 09.03.02 Information systems and technologies will receive diplomas with honors. Two were rated "good". And all theses are distinguished by relevance and maximum practical component. This was also noted by the representatives of the companies-employers - "Luxor", "CIO Consultant" from Ivanovo and the Yaroslavl "Payment Center", present at the defense of the GQW. In general, the theses of our IT specialists, and these are websites and social networks, projects in the development of neural networks, data visualization and social advertising, will become a significant part of his professional portfolio for each Polytechnic graduate.

By the way, the leading Runet hunter Alena Vladimirskaya believes that in the coming years the fate of economists does not threaten IT specialists and the need for them is growing. “Companies that traditionally did not participate in the IT market are entering the IT market: banks, retail, transport. Everyone needs Internet solutions, technology employees, and a smart programmer will always find a job,” the expert is sure.

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