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From idea to implementation: Polytechnic University is intensively preparing for the implementation of the "Professionality" project

Our management team is being trained on the basis of the Senezh Management Workshop of the Presidential Platform “Russia is a Land of Opportunities”.

The head of the program Yulia Grebenikova commented on the stages and features of the program in the following way: “70 management teams study at the program. Each team consists of seven people, including one representative of the ROIV, one representative of the employer and five representatives of the college. In 2022, 42 regions and 11 industries are represented in the project.”

The educational program is modular, implemented in a hybrid format (online and offline). This week, the first full-time training module was held, which was dedicated to leadership and team building. Its main focus is the formation of a vision of the global goals of clusters that should be created within the framework of the federal project "Professionality". In the second module, the participants will work on the mechanisms for achieving the goals set, including on the issues of marketing strategy and employment of graduates, and will also continue to master modern management and team building tools.

The training program will end in September, at the same time the teams will present a draft cluster development roadmap. It is worth adding that, accompanied by the trackers of the Senezh Management Workshop, synchronization of goals, their understanding and alignment in terms of formulating the strategic tasks of clusters, together with representatives of the administration of the College of IVSPU and its partners, was handled by its director Andrey Nikonov and the rector of the Polytechnic University Evgeny Rumyantsev, who led the team of managers and also completed the first training module.

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