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Participants of the Summer IT School will learn the history of the city

On the eve of Russia Day, Ivanovo schoolchildren - participants of the Summer IT School working at the Polytechnic, went on a "Historical trolleybus" with a tour of Ivanovo.

The initiative to introduce the children to the historical past of our city was taken by activists in the Ivanovo region, and the Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Ivanovo region, Professor of the Department of Russian History of the Ivanovo State University Vladimir Okolotin told them about the most interesting places.

One of the notable stops of the "Historical Trolleybus" was the square near the building of the renovated railway station – one of the many monuments of Ivanovo constructivism. There, the participants of the IT school got acquainted with the exhibition "Feat of the Russian Spirit", dedicated to the most significant historical victories of Russians, starting from the time of Troubles and up to today.

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