Приемная комиссия: +7 (930) 36-205-80, +7 (4932) 30-45-01
Приемная ректора: + 7 (4932) 32-85-45, e-mail: rector@ivgpu.ru
Электронная приемная

News on english
Ivanovo Polytechnic University at the Week of Textile and Light Industry

On March 14th, the Russian Week of Textile and Light Industry opened in Moscow.Both the Ivanovo Polytechnic University and the Ivanovo College of Light Industry represented the Ivanovo region in the discussion of the most topical issues of the industry within the business program.

News on english
Scientists and students of the Polytechnic University - on the pages of the industry magazine "Legprom Review"

For the 11th International Exhibition of Fabrics and Textile Materials "Interfabric", the third issue of the industry magazine "Legprom Review" was published. Ivanovo Polytechnic University as a leading center for training personnel for the light industry is again widely represented on the pages of the publication.

News on english
How to become a fashionable tourist on the weekend in Ivanovo

The answer is simple: to visit the All-Russian festival "Fashion 4.0 - Evolution" on New Year's Eve, which is held in Ivanovo by Polytech and its partners.

News on english
A new generation of designers launches a new fashion

Will you launch your own clothing brand or entrust your ideas to a stable company? The example of the IVSPU student Elizaveta Afanasyeva, who chose the Ivanovo DETLINE company as a place to realize her creative potential, inspired dozens of young Polytechnic designers to collaborate with the owners of regional fashion brands.

News on english
Ivanovo Polytech has successfully proved itself in the textile industry

Visitors were offered a large package of services of the Competence Center of the Textile and Light Industry and favorable terms of cooperation, demonstrated the potential of young Ivanovo designers on models from new industrial collections, received feedback.

News on english
Schoolchildren and for schoolchildren - about the TREND School

The training of schoolchildren in the graphic design course at the TREND School continues. We decided to interview our students, what did they like most during their studies, and what did they learn?

News on english
Polytechnic University will be at TEKSTILLEGPROM

February 22-24 in Moscow, at VDNKh, the 57th Federal Wholesale Fair of Goods and Equipment for Textile and Light Industry TEKSTILLEGPROM will be held. Ivanovo Polytechnic University will take part in it together with Ivanovo entrepreneurs

News on english
The University establishes relations with the leading Russian manufacturer of abrasive tools

On February 16, a delegation of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University visited ISMA JSC. During the visit, the rector of IVGPU Evgeny Rumyantsev discussed plans for mutually beneficial cooperation with the General Director of the enterprise Alexander Mukhin and Chairman of the Board of Directors Alexander Andrianov.

News on english
The Week of Science has started at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

From February 8th to 10th, students and lecturers of the university become participants in a series of lectures and seminars dedicated both to the Day of Russian Science and to answering the question of how human scientific activity affects modern society.

News on english
Ivanovo Polytechnic University expands its network of partners in the region

The delegation of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University visited the sewing enterprise "FABERLIK FASHION FACTORY" in Furmanovtown.

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