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IVSPU students have developed a project of a tourist complex for the Mountain Shoria

Daria Illarionova and Yulia Lebedeva became the winners of the All-Russian competition of architectural solutions of the future "Taiga-dom", organized by the Ministry of Education of Kuzbass and the United Company "Sibshakhtostroy".

The main idea of the competition was to attract young architects from the regions of Russia to develop projects for ecological tourism in Gornaya Shoria. In total, 25 applications were submitted for the competition from teams from 14 cities of Russia. Teams from Ivanovo, Vologda, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Kemerovo, Barnaul and Novokuznetsk reached the final stage.

The project of our students was recognized as the best in the nomination "System approach". Their competitive work included projects for the buildings of the visitor center, the taiga shelter and residential modules, as well as signs, an observation deck and even a variant of a tourist route through the territory of the Shor National Park. According to the girls, they tried to combine environmental friendliness and modern ideas about architecture.

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