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A new generation of designers launches a new fashion

A new generation of designers launches a new fashion

Will you launch your own clothing brand or entrust your ideas to a stable company? The example of the IVSPU student Elizaveta Afanasyeva, who chose the Ivanovo DETLINE company as a place to realize her creative potential, inspired dozens of young Polytechnic designers to collaborate with the owners of regional fashion brands.

It all started at the beginning of last year, with a student competition of sketch designs for collections of insulated children's clothing, which was announced at the initiative of the owners of the brand Sherysheff, creative director and head of the DETLINE company Yulia and Mikhail Sheryshev. Twenty-one students took part in the competition, and the main prize was an award and an internship at the enterprise in order to finalize and launch the collection into mass production.

In September last year, the first models from the collections of Lisa Afanasyeva, who became the winner of that very competition and gave her project the name VIBE, were presented in Moscow, in the trend zone of the international exhibition "CJF - Children's Fashion". And today, customers can choose jackets, overalls, insulated vests and trousers from the VIBE collection at well-known market places and in the Detline product catalog.

"Not all the models I drew were included in the collection," says Lisa. In the process of manufacturing samples, it was necessary to abandon too complex or inorganic and simply unnecessary details. In addition, the sketch project consisted of models only for girls, and I had to create things for boys as well." The finished collection, which includes nine products, is distinguished by trendy minimalism and conciseness, and is decorated with an author's print using the company logo. Each of the models is presented in several colors. All things have reflective elements in the form of thermal stickers and chevrons.

Catch your VIBE! Under this slogan, new models from the Sherysheff brand, developed by a young and talented Polytech designer, can make any child's wardrobe stylish and bright. The author, working on the brand, made a full-time designer of the company. (Translated from English, vibe is vibration, i.e. mechanical vibrations that have their own frequency, amplitude and acceleration). This is the acceleration in the form of an official job offer received by Elizabeth following the results of an internship at Detline.

And along with a prestigious position and a stable income from a young specialist, in addition to responsibility, it was necessary to quickly acquire the missing practical skills, join the team and, together with the specialists of the enterprise, finalize the collection of single-layer demi-season children's softshell clothing. As Lisa noted, the team is cohesive, the people are friendly. We are a team of like-minded people, moving together towards the same goal and solving production tasks together, raising the brand and our competencies to new heights. Now it is the development of three collections at once - winter clothes for the next season, new demi-season models and school uniforms. And our student takes a direct part in this work, simultaneously preparing for the presentation of her diploma at the university.

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