Приемная комиссия: +7 (930) 36-205-80, +7 (4932) 30-45-01
Приемная ректора: + 7 (4932) 32-85-45, e-mail: rector@ivgpu.ru
Электронная приемная

Polytechnic University will be at TEKSTILLEGPROM

Polytechnic University will be at TEKSTILLEGPROM

February 22-24 in Moscow, at VDNKh, the 57th Federal Wholesale Fair of Goods and Equipment for Textile and Light Industry TEKSTILLEGPROM will be held. Ivanovo Polytechnic University will take part in it together with Ivanovo entrepreneurs

A large-scale exposition of finished products, raw materials, equipment and components from manufacturers from 20 countries will be complemented by a rich business program, during which it is planned to discuss the most pressing issues of the industry. From our region, the Center for Entrepreneurship Development and Export Support of the Ivanovo Region, General Director of KhBK Shuisky Prints Anna Bogadelina, General Director of Laut Group Evgeny Sadovsky, Director of IIP IIT Consulting Anna Gorelova and Rector of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University Evgeny Rumyantsev are invited to participate.

On February 24, during a business meeting, Evgeny Vladimirovich will present the directions and results of the activities of the Competence Center for the textile and light industry, as well as outline plans for strengthening the integration of the university into the regional and industry agenda.

It is worth adding that the recording of the business meeting and the speech of the rector of the IVGPU will be available on our website. In addition, during all days of work at TEXTILLEGPROM, the stand of the Polytechnic University will be open - a kind of field office of the Competence Center, where entrepreneurs will be able to get acquainted with the list of its services in detail. And on February 22, on the opening day of the exhibition, a large group of university students and teachers will go to Moscow to get acquainted with the latest products and leading enterprises in the industry.

The list of exhibitors and the business program can be found on the official website of TEKSTILLEGPROM. You can also register and get a free ticket there.

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