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News on english
Polytech students took part in the "Electrocycle" competition

On October 25, at the Boiling Point( Tochka kipeniya) of the Yaroslavl State Technical University at the "Electrocycle" competition, a team of Polytech students presented a working prototype "Electrocycle-Ivanovo".

News on english
Student design bureau "Novator": first results

A little less than a month ago, a student design bureau "Novator" started working at the Polytechnic Institute, created by the efforts of the teachers of the Department of Mechatronics and Radioelectronics together with the specialists of JSC "Galich Truck Crane Plant".

News on english
A Student office has been launched at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

Now all the information can be obtained in one place - the staff and volunteers of the Office will always come to the aid of students.

News on english
The starry past of the Ivanovo land in the Synergy Hall

It is not a secret that an exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the formation of the Ivanovo Region is running within the walls of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

News on english
IVSPU continues to work on the implementation of the project "International Polytechnic"

On October 21, within the framework of the project "The Program for the Development of interethnic Interaction "International Polytechnic", an intellectual and cognitive quiz dedicated to the ethnocultural diversity of Russia was held at the International Club of IVSPU.

News on english
Raw materials and personnel above all: SMARTEX Forum - about the future of the industry

On Wednesday, the XXIV SMARTEX International Scientific and Practical Forum concluded its work in Ivanovo, the participants of which outlined the need to adjust the scientific and educational priorities and tasks of the industry for the coming decades.

News on english
KSHI Department at the Festival of Fashion and theatrical Costume

Ekaterina Banakova, a student of the Department of Sewing Products Design, took first place at the jubilee, XX festival of fashion and theatrical costume "Volga Seasons of Alexander Vasiliev", held in Samara.

News on english
MAYAK  for the engineering industry

On September 29th, the Ivanovo Polytechnic University hosted a job fair "MAYAK - My Academy of Bright Career" with the participation of enterprises machine-building complex.

News on english
The program of the SMARTEX forum has been published

On October 12-13th, Ivanovo will host the XXIV International Scientific and Industrial Forum SMARTEX. The program of events can be found on our website.

News on english
Festival FASHION 4.0 received presidential grant support

The project titled "From Local Fashion Brands to Image and Success of Russia" received the status of first competition winner of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.

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