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The Week of Science has started at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

The Week of Science has started at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

From February 8th to 10th, students and lecturers of the university become participants in a series of lectures and seminars dedicated both to the Day of Russian Science and to answering the question of how human scientific activity affects modern society.

The Week of Science opened with a meeting of the discussion club "Science and the IT market: points of intersection", in which representatives of Ivanovo IT companies were invited to participate: design director of the Tsifra group of companies Alexander Markov, leading system engineer of the System Technologies company Yuri Kosinov and ML-solutions developer Akvelon LLC Lev Mizgirev. Together with the guests, students of the Department of Information Technology and Service tried to find answers to the following questions: "Does society need scientific knowledge today, and why develop science at home if you can use other people's developments?".

The questions may seem strange, and the answers banal - well, of course, modern society needs scientific knowledge and science! The point is small, to figure out whether we have problems with knowledge or whether we have difficulties obtaining it? Seriously, the Levada Center survey showed that the scientific knowledge of Russians leaves much to be desired. Of the 1,612 people over 18 tested, only 2.3% were able to correctly answer elementary questions from the school curriculum. Do you consider yourself an erudite person?

How well students understand scientific topics could also be understood at an online seminar organized by the Department of Architecture and Building Materials. The students watched the popular science film "Nanotechnologies in building materials" and, together with the head of the department, Professor Marina Akulova, looked at nanotechnologies from the standpoint of quantum mechanics.

The next day, February 9th, students and lecturers of the Department of Mechatronics and Radioelectronics met with the director of the design bureau of the Galich Truck Crane Plant A.L. Trofimov, who spoke about the current state, problems and achievements of the engineering industry, as well as new developments that the plant is proud of. The meeting naturally grew into a discussion on the topic: “How should a modern specialist be trained?” and “What design programs are in demand now?”.

The Science Week at the Polytechnic University continues. General issues of applied linguistics and literary criticism have already been discussed at the Department of Foreign Languages. Acting head of the department Lidia Nagradova presented her vision of the role of dialogic speech in the formation of a linguo-communicative personality in the process of teaching a foreign language, and associate professor AlexeyAbyzov in his report: “The Legend of Lothaire ” spoke about the development of the Gothic genre at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries.

Ahead are no less interesting and important topics, including the directions of the “green economy” of Russia, the new reality of the post-pandemic world, health protection, and the fundamentals of industry materials science. Theweekwillendwiththetraditional “Post-graduate Thursday”.

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