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The University establishes relations with the leading Russian manufacturer of abrasive tools

The University establishes relations with the leading Russian manufacturer of abrasive tools

On February 16, a delegation of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University visited ISMA JSC. During the visit, the rector of IVGPU Evgeny Rumyantsev discussed plans for mutually beneficial cooperation with the General Director of the enterprise Alexander Mukhin and Chairman of the Board of Directors Alexander Andrianov.

Evgeny Rumyantsev and accompanying him head of the practice and employment department Elena Vlasova, head. Marina Akulova, head of the A&M department, and Natalia Kasatkina, associate professor of the A&M department, visited the workshops of the enterprise, where a large-scale modernization was recently carried out and equipment from the Italian companies "Davide Maternini" and "ABRApress" was installed, and then they examined the testing laboratory, also equipped with modern testing and measuring equipment for quality control and safety of the produced tool. All this allows the Ivanovo Building Materials and Abrasives plant to produce products that meet Russian and European standards, and to be one of the leading enterprises in Russia in the manufacture of abrasive tools (including those under world-famous trademarks), which are used in many industries.

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