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Schoolchildren and for schoolchildren - about the TREND School

Schoolchildren and for schoolchildren - about the TREND School

The training of schoolchildren in the graphic design course at the TREND School continues. We decided to interview our students, what did they like most during their studies, and what did they learn?

The survey results show that the children like to attend classes. I like the teacher - Alyona Marycheva, her approach to students and an interesting presentation of the material. They are especially interested in drawing "by hand" and working on computers. During the training period, students got acquainted with the basics of composition construction, mastered basic skills of working in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator programs, learned how to create collages, mudboards and prints in them.

"Wonderful courses, a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom", "Wonderful educational courses", "The courses are very useful, inspired me", "I really like it!" - such reviews about our courses were left by students, many of whom decided to become designers. After school, they will be able to continue their studies at the Department of Costume Design and Textiles named after N.G. Mizonova, and on April 3, they will learn all about enrolling in the Polytechnic at the Open Day.

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