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How to become a fashionable tourist on the weekend in Ivanovo

How to become a fashionable tourist on the weekend in Ivanovo

The answer is simple: to visit the All-Russian festival "Fashion 4.0 - Evolution" on New Year's Eve, which is held in Ivanovo by Polytech and its partners.

The event, which annually gathers young designers, manufacturers and fashion industry experts, is according to the Publishing House "Fevronia" a landmark event in the tourist calendar of Ivanovo, the textile capital of Russia, and heads a kind of tourist checklist. Indeed, in one weekend in Ivanovo during the festival, you can learn about the history of textile craft during excursions around the city, visit the unique Museum of Ivanovo calico, get to the real production of the country's largest textile mill "Shuisky Calico", go on a shopping tour of giant textile shopping malls and, finally, plunge into the extravaganza of fashion trends at the festival gala show.

And returning home, you can take the Ivanovo Bride with you - a doll from the Ivanovo toy Factory, a fragrant piece of the "Cheese Exchange", a photo against the background of the exhibits of the Museum of the Soviet Automobile Industry or a romantic mood received in the city of Brides. Within the framework of the Golden Voyage media project, representatives of the tourism industry and those who like to travel around their country will be told in more detail about this by the next issue of the glossy magazine of the Publishing House "Fevronia", where the section "Ivanovo. Podium City" is another bright tourist business card of our region.

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