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Ivanovo hosts the interregional forum “I am a Volunteer!”

Ivanovo hosts the interregional forum “I am a Volunteer!”

The main platform of the forum, which brought together more than two hundred volunteers from 44 regions of Russia, was the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

Three days: from October 27thto October 29th, there will be six thematic sites where the guys will discuss current topics and issues of social, patriotic, event and environmental volunteering, exchange ideas and work on joint projects. They are waiting for educational intensives, lectures and master classes, and the heads of volunteer centers - a special discussion track. The #WeTogether platform will also gather its like-minded people.

And on October 28th, at the “equator” of the forum, the governor of the Ivanovo region, Stanislav Voskresensky, spoke with its participants. The meeting was held at the recently opened Solaris Center for Revealing and Supporting Gifted Children. It was about the role of the volunteer movement in modern conditions and assistance to those who today are fighting for the sovereignty of our country. They also talked about the prospects for further improvement of Ivanovo and the development of small towns. The governor told the young guests of our region about the Center for Research on the Development of Small Towns in the city of Shuya, the idea of which was supported by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. At the same time, Stanislav Sergeevich emphasized that for him, as the Head of the region, the issue of realizing the potential of small towns and attracting people who would stay in them to live and work remains essential. A number of other significant topics were also raised during the meeting. Among them - support for volunteering, patriotic education of children and youth, the creation of a student campus in the Ivanovo region. In conclusion, the governor wished the volunteers successful work and expressed his approval that the forum was being held on Ivanovo land.

Almost in unison with the Head of the region, the ideas of the rector of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University Evgeny Rumyantsev were also heard. At the opening of the forum, he noted that the movement of volunteers in our country is gaining momentum and called on representatives of numerous volunteer organizations to actively cooperate, assuring that the Polytechnic University is ready to become a base for joint work and a platform uniting everyone for this.

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