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IVSPU - at the session of the Career Centers of the Central Federal District

IVSPU - at the session of the Career Centers of the Central Federal District

Elena Kuklina, an employee of the Practice and Employment Department, represented our university in Moscow at the project and analytical session of the Career Centers of the Central Federal District.

The event, organized by the Career Expert Center under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Facultetus digital career platform and BEAC, was held on October,21st at the MISIS University of Science and Technology. About 300 employees and heads of the Career Centers of the universities of the Central Federal District became participants.

Grigory Gurov, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, spoke at the opening. The speakers were the head of the Expert Career Center under the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Daria Kozyreva and the CEO of the “Facultetus” digital career platform Sergey Vishchipanov. The participants were expected to have discussions and master classes aimed at developing the skills necessary for the effective operation of the Career Centers.

In addition, during the session, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the “Facultetus” platform signed an agreement on cooperation and interaction in the digital transformation of universities. Thanks to this, universities will have access to a system for monitoring the employment of graduates, which will allow them to adapt educational programs to market demands.

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