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A grand concert of student amateur performances was held at the Polytechnic University

A grand concert of student amateur performances was held at the Polytechnic University

The concert, which took place on October 20, concluded the festival "Polytechnic Creativity", which is a part of the program for the development of student self-government of our university.

The theme of this year was folk tales, myths and epics, together with the heroes of which the audience plunged into the fairy-tale world and met with hedgehog grandmothers, goblins, princesses, heroes and other folklore inhabitants.

The jury consisted of: actor of the Ivanovo Regional Drama Theater, member of the Union of Theatrical Figures of Russia, head of the Polytechnic Art School theater direction Roman Vichuzhanin, teacher of street and modern dances of the Children Creativity Development Center and Youth "Dancing +", head of the Dance Corporation "D-Cube" and the Dance team Universe City, the head of the Polytechnic Art School dance direction Daria Bochkareva, singer, musician and teacher Amid Salimov, founder and head of the author's theater "Prophecies within the shoulders" Maria Afonina and Alexander Gavrilov the head of the IVSPU Center of Students Communities Development.

The absolute winner of the festival and the winner of the main prize in the nomination "Best Concert" was the Institute of Textile Industry and Fashion. The guys from this institute also received prizes in the nominations "Best vocal number" ("Witches"), "Best Male Role" (Ignatov Maxim) and "Audience Award" for "The Dance of the Hedgehogs". The students of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Transport won prizes for the "Best Dance Number" ("Aesthetics"), for the "Best synthesis Number" ("Firebird") and for the "Best Female Role" (Tatiana Potekhina). Students of the Institute of Information Technology and Natural Sciences and Humanities were awarded for "The best performance in the theatrical direction" ("R.I.P"), "The best reading of the artistic word" ("Billboards") and "The best video". The best young artists in the original genre deservedly became the guys from the IVSPU College ("It is necessary to trample").

All the winners and participants of the festival received gifts from our partners. The Ivanovo Polytechnic sincerely thanks the chain of oil perfumery stores "Parfum Oil", the company "12 Chairs", DOSAAF Ivanovo, the company "Green Town", the international chain of pizzerias "DODO-Pizza", the pub quiz "Mozgoboynya", the quest project "Elysium", the coffee shop "CoffeeMan", the restaurant "Lemonade", cinema center "Europa Cinema", Esthetics dance studio, stretching studio "Lady Stretch", trampoline and fitness center "Traplin", club "LaserStrike37", esports club "TRUE GAMERS", cafe chain of Pan-Asian cuisine "VilkiNet", men's barbershop "BigBro", dance school "ID Dance", the clinic of ophthalmic surgery "SvetoDar" and the stand-up club "VStandUp".

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