New competencies - colleagues from the fashion industry
Teachers of the Institute of Technology of Light Industry, Fashion and Design of the Kazan National Research Technological University completed an internship at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University Department of Garments.
For five days, Venera Khammatova, Lyudmila Abdutalipova, Leysan Tukhbatullina, Guzel Zalyalyutdinova, Elena Kumpar and Lyudmila Safina studied the intricacies of three-dimensional design and visualization of clothing in special professional computer programs. Professor, head of the department Viktor Kuzmichev, associate professors Natalia Sakharova and Irina Zhukova worked with colleagues from Kazan. Training was not limited to mastering the basic functionality of basic computer programs.
The teachers of the department told the guests about their experience in organizing the educational process and the use of digital technologies in the field of anthropometry, design and construction of clothes, showed the classrooms and the material base of the department. The guests have also learned how professional navigation "MAYAK" works at our university. An excursion to the Home Textile enterprise "was organized for them. Colleagues exchanged textbooks published in our and Kazan universities. As a result, trainee teachers from Kazan completed a difficult control task of generating virtual twins of figures, drawings and clothes and deservedly received state-recognized certificates of advanced training.
Venera Khammatova, Professor, Head of the Design Department said: “It is a pleasure to meet with Ivanovo colleagues once again. Thank you for the warm hospitality, the clear organization of the educational process and for sharing your knowledge. Always be the first in light industry! We look forward to further cooperation."