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News on english
The success of a young designer at the TOCHKA RU 2023 festival

Dasha Soldatenkova, a second-year student of the Department of VKT named after N.G. Mizonova, representing the Ivanovo School of Design at the All-Russian competition of young designers "TOCHKA RU 2023", won the 3rd place.

News on english
Work in Ivanovo

Students of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University visited the First interuniversity job fair "Work in Ivanovo" on April 19.

News on english
Russian history will be studied in a new volume at universities

Associate Professors of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Elena Scriabina and Inna Kuleshova took part in a lecture session for university teachers teaching a course on the history of Russia in non-historical specialties and directions.

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Dedicated to the anniversary date

2023 marks the 105th anniversary of the formation of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Polytechnic Institute. Ivanovo Polytechnic University has developed a plan of events and projects dedicated to this event.

News on english
MAYAK with engineering and defense industry enterprises

On April 12th , the Ivanovo Polytechnic University hosted the forum “ MAYAK - My Academy of a Bright Career” for students of the areas of study “Radio Engineering”, “Technological Machines and Equipment”, “Automation of Technological Processes and Productions” and the College of ISPU.

News on english
Digital Fashion: an expert from the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University spoke about digital fashion

Associate Professor of the Department of Garment Design Natalia Sakharova took part in the webinar “Digital Fashion. What you need to know about digital fashion”, which took place on April 11 as part of the All-Russian Forum of Design and Fashion and the “POINT RU” Festival of the Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin.

News on english
Young innovators develop their entrepreneurial competencies

Eleven young innovators of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University got the opportunity to "finish" the idea of their projects and package them into working business models by becoming participants in the Innovator's Navigator.

News on english
The results of the "Polytechnic of the Future" competition were summed up

At the IVSPU on April 2, at the Open Day of the Polytechnic, the winners of the Interregional competition among students of secondary educational and professional institutions "POLYTECHNIC of the FUTURE" were awarded.

News on english
Science and business are creating a light industry development center on the basis of the BIM campus

The main topic of the project session held on March 31 at the Polytechnic University was the discussion of the concept of a research center designed for the tasks of the Russian light industry in the contour of the BIM campus, and the development of solutions for its launch with a high level of "survivability".

News on english
IVSPU scientists have become experts in "Big Challenges"

The experts of the final of the All-Russian competition "Big Challenges" were the head of the Department of Architecture and Building Materials Science, Professor Marina Akulova and the Head of the Department of Production and Urban Management, Professor Lyudmila Oparina.

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