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News on english
From China with new ideas

Lecturer at the Department of Costume Design and Textiles named after N.G. Mizonova Maxim Krylov visited China as part of a delegation from Rosmolodezh.

News on english
Polytechnic graduate students live not only by science

At the opening of the renovated Shuya Historical, Art and Memorial Museum named after M.V. Frunze awarded a letter of gratitude to Mikhail Korinchuk.

News on english
Nikolay Kyvyrzhik: enjoy your creativity

On October 30, the cycle of creative meetings of students with successful designers was continued by a talented young fashion designer Nikolai Kyvyrzhik, who came to Ivanovo specifically for this purpose.

News on english
A student of the Polytechnic University became a prize-winner of the Fashion Week in Yekaterinburg

The Skit clothing collection, created by Alisa Prokofieva under the guidance of Elena Maksimova, Associate Professor of the Department of Costume Design and Textiles named after N.G. Mizonova, took the second place at the Yekaterinburg Fashion Week.

News on english
Another invention is in the "piggy bank" of the Polytechnic

The Federal Institute of Industrial Property has published a patent for an invention, the authors of which are scientists of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of the IvSPU.

News on english
Scientists from Ivanovo visited the Materials Technology Center in Skolkovo

Associate Professor of our Department of Mechatronics and Radioelectronics Dmitry Pirogov and Head of one department of IvSPU Leonid Maslov visited the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, where they visited the Materials Technology Center and took part in a scientific seminar.

News on english
The rector of the Polytechnic University was elected Vice-President of the Association of Textile Workers of Russia

The decision to elect Evgeny Rumyantsev to the post of Vice-President of the Asia-Pacific Region for Science and Education was made during a working meeting of the Management Staff of the Association of Textile Workers of Russia, held in Moscow on October 25.

News on english
First-year students of the Polytechnic study the "Fundamentals of Russian statehood"

At the recently opened seminar, first-year students mastering the new discipline "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood" presented their views on the concept of "civilization" and the basics of the civilizational approach.

News on english
Polytech at the conference "Chinese Bridge 2023"

The Head of the Department of International Cooperation Anna Panova and Acting Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Lidiya Nagradova took part in the International Conference "Chinese Bridge 2023. Chinese-Russian interaction in the field of academic cooperation and education: problems, traditions, innovations", held at Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology.

News on english
Ivanovo welcomes participants of the All-Russian forum “I am a Volunteer!”

On October 26-29th, Ivanovo Polytechnic University is holding the All-Russian Student Forum “I am a Volunteer!”

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