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News on english
Taurida.Art at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

Anastasia Kraft, the manager for work with educational organizations of the art cluster "Tavrida" visited the students of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

News on english
Stroysoyuz is ready to cooperate with first-year architecture students

On May 11th a meeting of students with the management of the “Stroysoyuz” company, which builds premium-class wooden houses, was held, at the Department of Architecture and Building Materials

News on english
Sports achievements of our students

Students of the Polytechnic University successfully performed at the All-Russian powerlifting competition "Moscow Lights", held on May 9th in Moscow.

News on english
Victory lives in generations

On May 4th, on the eve of the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War celebration, a rally-concert dedicated to this significant date was held at the Polytechnic University.

News on english
Students of the Polytechnic University honored the memory of Slava Zaitsev on the "Tavrida"

A portrait of the genius of Russian fashion, People's Artist of Russia and honorary citizen of Paris and Ivanovo Vyacheslav Zaitsev appeared on the wall of one of the houses in the residential area of the Tavrida art cluster in Crimea.

News on english
You can get a new profession at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

The other day, Yulia Vasilyeva, an employee of Profilogistik, successfully completed training in an additional professional educational program of professional retraining "Textile and sewing materials Science".

News on english
Polytechnic scientists have developed a new composition of cinder concrete

The head of the Department of Architecture and Building Materials, Professor Marina Akulova and her graduate student Olga Povarova received a patent for the invention of the composition of cinder concrete with the inclusion of waste from metallurgical production.

News on english
The choice is made: the names of Miss and Mr. Polytech-2023.

On April 27, the final contest "Miss and Mr. Polytech" was held at our university.

News on english
Ivanovo Polytechnic University again became the winner of the Rosmolodezh competition

Ivanovo Polytechnic University submitted eight projects for the Rosmolodezh 2023 grant competition among higher education institutions, and all of them received grant support.

News on english
Polytechnic students master entrepreneurial competencies

Another training of entrepreneurial competencies was held at our university. The organizer was Innopolis University.

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