Приемная комиссия: +7 (930) 36-205-80, +7 (4932) 30-45-01
Приемная ректора: + 7 (4932) 32-85-45, e-mail: rector@ivgpu.ru
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News on english
IVGPU invites young designers to participate in the International competition “Fashion 4.0.Children"

IvanovoState Polytechnic University together with ANO "World of Arts - II", and the French brand of children's clothing L'enfant Royal invites teenagers aged 10 to 17 to participate in the International competition of young designers "Fashion 4.0.Children".

News on english
Results of the conference "POISK-2021"

On April 29, the National Youth Scientific and Technical Conference "POISK-2021" completed its work at the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University.

News on english
The University holds the Polytech Week

During the week, students studying in different areas of training and university teachers will be able to become participants in events aimed at revealing their creative talents and a fruitful dialogue with colleagues, peers and partners.

News on english
The results of the vocational guidance project "English as a tool for a successful career" have been summed up

On April 15, the defense of projects prepared by Ivanovo schoolchildren - participants of the vocational guidance project "English as a Tool of a Successful Career" took place. The awards ceremony will take place on April 21, as part of the Polytech Week.

News on english
POLYTECHNIC University at an exhibition in Germany

One of the sections of the exhibition dedicated to the study of historical discoveries in different countries of the world, which opened in the German city of Bochum, presents a virtual solution for the reconstruction of clothes and accessories of an ancient man, made by scientists from the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design and the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

News on english
Company "Professional" invites students to take internship

Another Ivanovo enterprise - the company "Professional" - a leader in the production of attachments for road construction and mining equipment in Russia and the СIS, invites IVSPU students of all fields of training to get acquainted with the production and undergo on-job training.

News on english
The winners of the contest "Polytech of the Future" were determined On March 26, the university summed up the results of the contest of research works of schoolchildren "Polytech of the Future – 2021".

The interregional competition among students of secondary general education and professional institutions "POLYTECHNIC OF THE FUTURE" was held jointly with industrial partners-leading companies of the textile and light industry, construction, road and machine-building complexes, housing and communal services, engineering systems of gas and water supply, from December 21 to March 1. The aim of the competition was to promote the implementation of the national project "Education" at the regional level in terms of professional orientation of young people studying, identifying and developing the abilities and talents of young people in various professional fields.

News on english
Profnavigation student landing party arrived at "KHBK" Shuisky Chintz»

On March 25, students of the Scientific and Educational Center "Center of Competence of Textile and Light Industry" and the Department of Mechatronics and Radioelectronics visited the city of Furmanov, where they visited the spinning and weaving factory No. 3 of JSC "Shui Calico" within the framework of the forum "MAYAK-My Academy of Bright Career".

News on english
On the same wavelength: Polytech designers develop regional fashion brands

The Ivanovo company DETLINE became the first owner of new creative solutions in clothing design, based on the technological capabilities of production and market trends, attracting the attention of consumers and favorably distinguishing the brand from competitors. The results of the project were summed up at IVSPU on March 19.

News on english
VIOTEX knows how to make a career dream come true

The graduate students of the IVSPU, future textile designers, received an interesting invitation to take up vacancies in the well-known Ivanovo company "VIOTEX", which is one of the ten most successful textile companies in the region.

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