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IVGPU invites young designers to participate in the International competition “Fashion 4.0.Children"

IVGPU invites young designers to participate in the International competition “Fashion 4.0.Children"

IvanovoState Polytechnic University together with ANO "World of Arts - II", and the French brand of children's clothing L'enfant Royal invites teenagers aged 10 to 17 to participate in the International competition of young designers "Fashion 4.0.Children".

The competition is held within the framework of the UNESCO International Children's Congress Club and is aimed at supporting talented children striving to reach heights in the fashion industry. Children are invited to develop sketches of models of children's clothing of any style and purpose, and at the same time demonstrate their artistic taste, creativity and designer skills, as well as an understanding of how fashion changes over time. You can fill out a participant's questionnaire and send sketches on the website: www.world-arts-dva.rf If desired, the contestants can even attach a video with a brief description of the idea and a story about how the models were created.

The works of the participants of the competition will appear on the official website and YouTube channel of the UNESCO Club "International Children's Congress" and in the media.Young talents are expected to receive Honorary Diplomas and master classes from the teachers of the Department of Costume and Textile Design. N. G. Mizonova IVGPU.

And the Grand Prix winner and laureates of the competition will become participants in the II Congress of the UNESCO International Children's Congress in July 2021.In addition, they will receive certificates entitling them to receive additional points upon admission to the Ivanovo Polytechnic, valid for four whole years!

The Grand Prix winner's sketch will be used in the creation of a new collection of the L'enfant Royal children's clothing brand.This will become the main competitive award.In this case, one of the samples will be made for the winner and in his size!The collection will be seen and appreciated by the audience at the International Festival of Young Designers "MODA 4.0", which will take place in Ivanovo, in December this year.

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