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Results of the conference "POISK-2021"

Results of the conference "POISK-2021"

On April 29, the National Youth Scientific and Technical Conference "POISK-2021" completed its work at the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University.

The conference took place in the mixed format, which will attract nearly five hundred participants from different regions of the country: from Novgorod to Yakutsk, as well as Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia, and was helpful to anyone who needs information about promising research spheres of interest, as well asabout what practical use of them we can expect thanks to the research of young scientists.

International status and breadth of geography conference confirmed not only the young scientists but also the English language, which became the second working language.In addition, all work had applied character and real visible results. It is the opinion of the majority of the chairmen of thematic tracks, including tracks "PERSPECTIVEDIRECTIONS in DESIGN, MODELING and FASHION TECHNOLOGY", Professor, Academic PhD of Technical Sciences Viktor Kuzmichev

“I was especially pleased with the work of college students, which shows high-quality education in the secondary vocational education system,” noted Viktor Evgenievich.“ For example, Dmitry Alekseev from Yakutia has developed equipment for protection against ultra-low temperatures. An extremely promising direction! The works of three Chinese participants looked apart, the presentation of their reports had a single style solution, the obligatory emblem of the university, excellent English. Each of the reports was clearly structured in relation to the material presented and aroused keen interest among teachers and students. It’sapity thatwedidnothaveenoughtime! ”.

In turn, the chairman of the section "DIGITAL AND ADVANCED PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES OF TEXTILE AND LIGHT INDUSTRY", Academic PhD of Technical Sciences Nadezhda Kornilova noted as the best reports the speeches of Maria Demidova from Vitebsk Technological University and our young researchers - Anna Tsyganash and Sergey Rodionov. Nadezhda Lvovna said: “On our track, 12 reports were heard, two of which were presented by representatives of Belorussia, one each from the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Omsk State Technical University and Kazan National Research Technological University. All the reports were distinguished by relevant topics and practical significance ” and added that it was not easy to choose the winner of the competition for the best report.

Nevertheless, the competition, like the conference itself, is over, the results have been summed up.The organizing committee would like to thank all participants, their scientific advisors, track chairs and experts.All young participants whose abstracts have been accepted for publication in the collection of materials of the NMNTK "POISK-2021" will be sent diplomas.Participants of the competition, based on the results of face-to-face hearings, will receive honorary diplomas of the winners, as well as recommendations for continuing their studies at universities.

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