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On the same wavelength: Polytech designers develop regional fashion brands

On the same wavelength: Polytech designers develop regional fashion brands

The Ivanovo company DETLINE became the first owner of new creative solutions in clothing design, based on the technological capabilities of production and market trends, attracting the attention of consumers and favorably distinguishing the brand from competitors. The results of the project were summed up at IVSPU on March 19.

Recall that the DETLINE company produces children's clothing under the SHERYSHEFF trademark. The brand is known far beyond Ivanovo and is bought by thousands of mothers throughout Russia. Employees of the company are parents themselves and know well what children like. Therefore, the company pays special attention to the process of creating each new collection, and for new design ideas, Yulia and Mikhail Sheryshev, the leaders of this enterprise, which feels confident in the market, turned to the Ivanovo Polytech, where a center of competence for the textile and light industry is being formed.

It was decided to work on the brand in the form of a competition, in which students and undergraduates of two departments took part: the Department of Costume and Textile Design. N.G. Mizonova and the Department of Apparel Design.

Young designers had to carefully study the assortment line and market positions of the company and, on the basis of this, as well as taking into account production requirements and fashion trends, offer modern design solutions for models of insulated children's clothing for the fall-winter season.

The final event brought together all the project participants, who had already passed the stage of presentation of their capsule collections a few days earlier. Lilia Sergeeva and Elizaveta Afanasyeva were recognized as the absolute winners of the competition project. Mikhail Sheryshev presented the girls with prizes and an invitation to an internship at his enterprise, where they will take part in the launch of the collections developed with their participation into mass production. In addition, the company's management has selected several more collections that can adequately replenish the brand's lineup. Their authors also deservedly received prizes and honorary diplomas. These are Emira Gasimova, Anna Kitaeva, Anastasia Solomentseva, Ksenia Parkanova, Victoria Kataeva and Anastasia Golitskova.

As Mikhail Sheryshev noted, new models of children's clothing under the SHERYSHEFF brand can be seen very soon on popular marketplaces and in shopping centers of the city. We will add, and on the site of the multi-brand showroom that is opening at IVGPU. Here will be presented samples of clothing developed by students and alumni of the Polytechnic Institute in collaboration with textile and sewing enterprises of the Ivanovo region. Here, companies that value the uniqueness of design and are ready to produce products comparable to those of the world's leading brands will be able to establish contact and go “on the same wavelength” with active and talented young Ivanovo designers.

By the way, there are a lot of managers of such companies who are not by hearsay familiar with the creative potential of the Polytechnic design community. Many of them have been to bright and impressive defense of their diploma projects more than once. University graduates are valued at the enterprises of the region. New formats of educational programs for managers and specialists of all levels have gone from demand to recognition. Another step of business and university towards each other was the Fashion 4.0 festival. In December last year, a number of Ivanovo companies presented their collections at its site for the first time. Including DETAIL.

“Participation in the development of regional fashion brands is an additional opportunity to declare yourself, to contribute to solving the problems of the industry, to create a reserve for your own development. And our youth energetically took advantage of this chance,”notes Evgeny Rumyantsev, rector of IVGPU. “We view the current generation of students, our alumni and experts as a powerful strategic resource for working with local local brands for the development of the region. To achieve this goal, you need educated, creative, proactive people and trust from the business. It is gratifying to note that following the DETLINE company, heads of several other sewing enterprises contacted us, which testifies that against the background of intense competition in the Russian clothing market, confidence in the university is noticeably growing, which we will do in every possible way.


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