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News on english
Young designers of Ivanovo State Polytechnic University became WorldSkills experts

Senior lecturer of the Department of Costume Design and Textiles named after N. G. Mizonova, Ksenia Demyanenko and sophomore Alexander Gushchin were among the experts of the VI Regional Championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia) Ivanovo region in the competence of "Graphic design".

News on english
Ivanovo Polytechnic University presented the region at the Russian Textile and Light Industry Week

From March 1 to 4, the "Russian Textile and Light Industry Week" was held in Moscow for the seventh consecutive year. By tradition, the Ivanovo Polytechnic University also became a participant of the forum. At the leading exhibition site, representatives of the university were able not only to present the services of the industry Competence Center, but also to discuss the most pressing issues of the light industry.development.

News on english
LIGHTHOUSE Polytech - for the field of construction and architecture

On February 25, a job fair "MAYAK" was held at the Ivanovo Polytechnic with the participation of business and the construction and architecture sectors.

News on english
Ksenia Demyanenko won a landslide victory in the PROfashion masters competition

The jury of the All-Russian competition of designers of outerwear PROfashion Masters impressed her collection of coats "Snow Roses" with digital printing of author's prints, industrial embroidery and precise, confident cut.

News on english
Holidays with benefits: students have passed the School of Student Activism

Your ideas are your life! Under this motto, 36 of the most active, talented and creative first-year students spent their holidays at the visiting School of student activism.

News on english
MAYAK Forum-for future specialists in the housing and utilities sector

On February 17, the Ivanovo Polytechnic University hosted a job fair "MAYAK-Orep Housing and Utilities" for students of training areas related to the housing and utilities sector and the construction industry.

News on english
Polytechnic University joined the All-Russian action "Scientists to Schools"

On February 12, as part of the Year of Science and Technology, teachers of the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University visited a number of Ivanovo schools, where they delivered lectures and told students about the role of science in the modern world.

News on english
Participants of "LEGPROM WEEK-2021" will assess the state of the domestic market for bast raw materials

On March 2, within the framework of the Business Program "Russian Week of Textile and Light Industry", a round table "Practical ways of implementing projects for the processing of flax and hemp in modern conditions. Assessment of the state of the domestic market of bast raw materials ” takes place.

News on english
Opening of the Year of Science and Technology at Ivanovo State Polytechnic University

On February 8th, the Day of Russian Science, the opening of the Year of Science and Technology took place at Ivanovo StatePolytechnicUniversity. The central event was the plenary discussion "Science for the Development of the Region" with the participation of scientific leaders of projects supported by the RFBR.

News on english
The winners of the University Festival of Projects have been announced

On January 29th, the second Festival of Projects was held at Ivanovo State Polytechnic University. Teams of participants defended the results of projects implemented in the fall semester and the intermediate results of projects being realized. The projects were presented in person and remotely.

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