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The Polytechnic University celebrated the World Day of Cultural Diversity

The International Club of Ivanovo Polytechnic University hosted an action dedicated to the World Day of Cultural Diversity, which is celebrated on May 21.

The guests of the IVGPU Russian and foreign students were the co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the ONF Galaktion Kuchava, the assistant to the Chairman of the Ivanovo City Duma, the coordinator of the new project of the United Russia party "Generation of the Future" Alexander Bobrov and the representative of the Center for Ukrainian Culture "Mriya" Valentina Blyshchik.Those who came congratulated the students on the holiday and urged them to study and respect the cultural traditions of the peoples of the world.

The participants of the event were convinced of the cultural diversity by Ukrainian songs performed by Valentina Blyshchik, folk dances performed by students from Guinea and Tajikistan, a master class on cooking a national dish from students from Turkmenistan and wishes of health and happiness in Russian, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Arabic, Frenchand other native languages exchanged between students and guests.

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