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Электронная приемная

The soul called

On May 27, at the request of the Head of the Teikovo District, Vitaly Katkov, the Resource Center for Tourism and Socio-Cultural Innovation of the Polytechnic University held an action called “The Soul Called” in the village of Pershino.

Ivanovo local historian Alexander Tikhomirov spoke about the history of the church to the residents of the village and to numerous guests who had gathered near the walls of the partially ruined Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. And from the head of the resource center for tourism and socio-cultural innovation of the IVSPU, Felix Kagan, the audience learned about such events in the villages of Nizhny Landekh and Kholuy, after which the abandoned temples were successfully restored.

Inside the temple, Archpriest Pavel Ponomarev, Dean of the Teikovo Deanery, performed a prayer service and folk spiritual chants were performed by the laureate of numerous international competitions of the Svetilen Folk Sacred Music Ensemble.

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