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The results of the Polytechnic skills Olympiad have been summed up

The results of the Polytechnic skills Olympiad have been summed up

The participants of the multidisciplinary Olympiad of Polytechnic skills were 855 students of the university and its college, as well as 13 departments that prepared assignments for students. The results were summed up on January 25.

The winners among the students of the IVSPU College were: Evgeny Pleshkov, who took the first place, Maxim Shelemba and Dmitry Zheltikov, who shared the second place, and Alexander Musin, who got the third place.

Among the students of the ITT-21 group, the winners in the sum of three professional disciplines were: Ivan Kryzhanovsky (1st place), Pyotr Vorobshchikov (2nd place) and Dmitry Ivanov (3rd place). In the category of first-year students, Dana Pylaikova (1st place), Tikhon Nikitin (2nd place) and Artem Morgunov (3rd place) were awarded in the sum of two disciplines.

Among the second - year students, the winners received diplomas in the sum of three disciplines: Eva Zharinova and Yulia Kuznetsova (1st place), Maxim Golovyashin (2nd place), Mikhail Minasyan (3rd place). According to the sum of two disciplines: Anastasia Bolkhovitinova (1st place), Anastasia Markova (2nd place) and Irina Ivanova (3rd place).

In the group of third - year students , the winners in the sum of the two disciplines were: Denis Kovach and Alina Kirichenko (1st place), Yulia Badanina (2nd place) and Ksenia Molodtsova (3rd place). Among the fourth - year students , diplomas in the sum of two disciplines were received by: Anastasia Stasenko (1st place), Diana Ayvazyan (2nd place), Ilya Leontiev (3rd place).

Among the master’s students, the winners in the sum of two disciplines became Evgeny Cherny and Anastasia Roslyakova (1st place), Alyona Beltseva, Ksenia Bolshakova and Dmitry Pavlov (2nd place), Olga Muratova and Kerim Yazlyev (3rd place). More than 50 participants of the 2022 and this year's Polytechnic skills Olympiad received honorary certificates for active participation in the Olympiad movement and demonstration of excellent knowledge.

The award ceremony was attended by Alexey Matrokhin, Vice-Rector for Educational Activities and Educational Work, Elena Vlasova, Head of the Practice and Employment Department, and guests of the university - Yulia Mochalova, Head of the Shuisky Cotton HR Department, Kristina Zaitseva, MSG Holding recruitment specialist, and Olga Marchik, marketer, leading specialist of the Development and Marketing Department of the Association "Special Textile" Roman Perilov, who presented the students with prizes and certificates for internships.

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