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New format of public speeches

New format of public speeches

Developing the format of public speeches to representatives of the industry and the business community, the Department of Sewing Design began a series of lectures for employees of the administration of the city of Ivanovo.

The first lecture to employees of departments and services of the city administration was delivered on January 27 by associate professor of the Department of KSHI Natalia Sakharova. An hour-long lecture on the topic "Digital fashion trends: potential opportunities for production and the metaverse" was devoted to changes in the fashion industry in the era of technology 4.0. The audience was told what awaits the fashion industry, and what opportunities open up modern technologies of three-dimensional design of clothing in connection with the rapid development of online commerce. A separate block was devoted to the metaverse as a new platform for doing business and building a personal trajectory in the digital world. The lecture ended with answers to questions.

It should be noted that the Department of KSHI has been developing this scientific and, as it turned out, applied direction since 2004. Research and development related to digital fashion and 3D clothing design are the basis of the cathedral scientific project "Fundamentals of virtual design of digital doubles of the human figure - clothing system using neuropsychological technologies and reverse engineering", implemented with the financial support of the RFFI and the Ivanovo region. In parallel, the department conducts a "revision" of educational programs in the direction of their digitalization.

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