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Children of SMO participants will be able to study at universities for free: Polytech is waiting for future students

Children of SMO participants will be able to study at universities for free: Polytech is waiting for future students

The Governor of the Ivanovo region Stanislav Voskresensky presented the first educational certificates to the children of the SMO participants.

The certificate gives the right to receive the first higher education to children, stepsons and stepdaughters of participants of the special military operatin in the territories of Ukraine, Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. "If the children of military personnel want to get a higher education, we guarantee it to them. If, as I understand it, you are going to enroll in the near future, if you suddenly fail to pass the USE points for a budget place, then you will go quietly to a paid one, but you will not need to pay. The budget will pay for everything," said Governor Stanislav Voskresensky.

"It is very good that such a measure of social support has appeared in our region." — the rector of our university Evgeny Rumyantsev commented on this decision of the regional authorities and added: "Our university offers several dozen educational programs and is waiting for future students!"

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