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Polytechnic scientists have developed a new composition of cinder concrete

Polytechnic scientists have developed a new composition of cinder concrete

The head of the Department of Architecture and Building Materials, Professor Marina Akulova and her graduate student Olga Povarova received a patent for the invention of the composition of cinder concrete with the inclusion of waste from metallurgical production.

This is the result of joint scientific work of Ivanovo scientists and specialists of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant Severstal. The object of patent law was the composition of fine-grained cinder concrete with a polyfractional additive based on the screening of slag rubble and sand and the technology of manufacturing floor slabs by the method of formless molding improved on its basis.

The patent for the invention confirms that the new composition of cinder concrete is original and has not yet been used by anyone, it is useful, applicable in practice and allows the final product to acquire new properties.

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