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The choice is made: the names of Miss and Mr. Polytech-2023.

The choice is made: the names of Miss and Mr. Polytech-2023.

On April 27, the final contest "Miss and Mr. Polytech" was held at our university.

The competition was held in several stages, during which the finalists – eight girls and eight young men, had to go through many different tests. As a result, Maria Samokhina became the owner of the title "Miss Ivanovo Polytechnic". Vasily Bortin received the title of "Mr. of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University". Masha also received the title of "Miss photogenic", and Vasily is "Mr. Plasticity".

In additional nominations, the titles were distributed as follows:
Miss Style — Ekaterina Lobova
Mr. Sport — Ivan Khrulev
Miss Intellect — Arina Luneva
Mr. Ecology — Vladislav Saveliev
Miss Mindfulness — Polina Kornilova
Mr. Blogger — Vladislav Lykov
Mr. Esports — Vitaly Ryabov
Miss Hospitality — Alina Larina
Mr. Golden Hands — Alexey Nenastyev
Miss Speed — Tatiana Potekhina
Mr. Paparazzi — Fedor Viktorov
Miss Persuasiveness — Daria Polyakova
Mr. Plasticity — Vasily Bortin
Miss Inspiration — Arianna Malakhova
Mr. Artistry — Maxim Ignatov

It was not easy for the jury members to determine the main winners. And our participants were judged: Maria Dyuzhaya, the winner of the awards of the contest "Beauty of Students of Russia — 2022", the All-Russian beauty contest "Miss Tourism of Russia - 2022", the contest "Student Spring - 2022", a leading specialist of the Department of Youth Policy of the Department of Internal Policy of the Ivanovo region, the owner of the sign of public recognition "Volunteer 2020", the curator of the whole a number of tracks "Rosmolodezhi" and "Rospatriota", organizer of All-Russian forums and festivals of Rosmolodezh Kristina Prosnyakova, fashion designer, senior lecturer of the Department of Costume Design and Textiles named after N.G. Mizonova, member of the Union of Designers and the Union of Artists of Russia Ksenia Demyanenko, leading specialist of the Ivanovo regional organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education Elena Bardyukova and Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the city of Ivanov Dmitry Mokeev.

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