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News on english
Successful graduates to current students: study and don’t be afraid to express yourself

Don’t miss lectures, go to exhibitions, train your observation skills and “grow in” with useful knowledge and connections - such advice was given to current students by graduates of the Department of Costume and Textile Design named after N.G. Mizonova who came to meet them.

News on english
The Competence Center expands the boundaries of possibilities

On November 15, at the Competence Center for Textile and Light Industry, a meeting of Polytechnic students and teachers with the leaders of the “Assol” Center and one of the leading international trend agencies took place.

News on english
Experts discussed what the Museum of Industry and Science should be like in the BIM Campus

On November 14, the Center for Territorial Development held a working meeting of representatives of the Ivanovo Consortium of Universities, officials, as well as specialists from museums and cultural institutions of the region at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

News on english
Foreign students of the Polytechnic University showed off their knowledge of the history and culture of Russia

On November 14, on the eve of International Student Day, a quiz on the ethnocultural diversity of Russia was held in student hostel No. 1.

News on english
The results of Quality Week 2023 have been summed up

A round table “Quality as a norm of life” was held at the Polytechnic University, which concluded the Quality Week 2023 taken place at our university

News on english
Learning to live by the motto “I’m proud”

As part of the implementation of the All-Russian project “I am proud. Heroes" there was a meeting between Ivanovo Polytechnic students and the first class rescuer of the Ivanovo regional search and rescue team, Marat Sibagatullin.

News on english
Many peoples - one country

An ethnographic conference “The Peoples of Russia in History and Modernity” took place at the Ivanovo Polytechnic Institute.

News on english
Home Style company visiting Polytech

On November 8, representatives of the Ivanovo company Home Style visited our university.

News on english
Students of Ivanovo Polytechnic University at the exhibition "Russia"

On November 4, students of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University visited the exhibition-forum “Russia”, which opened in Moscow.

News on english
A kind word about the Fatherland

On the eve of National Unity Day, a meeting of the Patriotic Club “I’m Proud” was held at our university, organized jointly with the department of philosophy and social and humanitarian disciplines.

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