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Victory lives in generations

Victory lives in generations

On May 4th, on the eve of the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War celebration, a rally-concert dedicated to this significant date was held at the Polytechnic University.

The action was attended by teachers, staff and students of ISPU. Yevgeny Rumyantsev, rector of ISPU, Maxim Rybakov, head of the executive committee of the All-Russia People's Front, Olga Fedoseeva, congratulated the audience on the upcoming holiday. Songs about the Great Patriotic War were sung, the memory of the fallen was honored with a minute of silence, and at the end of the event, participants laid scarlet carnations at the memorial panel in the main building of the university.

A reminder of what moral principles a person should have, and that we must be faithful to serving the Fatherland in any circumstances, was also a documentary film created by the head of the Resource Center for Tourism and Socio-Cultural Innovation Felix Iosifovich Kagan. It is called "Collages From Memory" and keeps the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War who studied or worked at our university.

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