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You can get a new profession at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

You can get a new profession at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University

The other day, Yulia Vasilyeva, an employee of Profilogistik, successfully completed training in an additional professional educational program of professional retraining "Textile and sewing materials Science".

Training under this program takes 252 hours, and the diploma that Yulia Vasilyeva received means that she has acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to perform a new type of professional activity. So, at the Department of Materials Science, Commodity Science, Standardization and Metrology, where she studied, Yulia studied the structure, properties and types of textile materials, learned to understand the features of technological processes of their creation, collect, analyze, generalize and systematize various technical data and indicators, using modern technical means to carry out the necessary calculations.

It should be added that at present retraining is considered a worthy alternative to a second higher education. Moreover, you can get a new profession in a short time. The programs contain only those disciplines that allow you to acquire knowledge and skills that will really be useful in your work, and the cost of training is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of a second higher education.

You can get an additional specialty by contacting the Institute of Competence Development of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University, and choose a suitable program in our Navigator of Additional Education.

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