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Ivanovo Polytechnic University again became the winner of the Rosmolodezh competition

Ivanovo Polytechnic University again became the winner of the Rosmolodezh competition

Ivanovo Polytechnic University submitted eight projects for the Rosmolodezh 2023 grant competition among higher education institutions, and all of them received grant support.

Commenting on this news, the head of the Center for the Development of Student Communities, Alexander Gavrilov, noted: "We are proud of our projects and are confident that they will help improve student life and make our Polytechnic even better!".

By the end of this year, our university will become a center of attraction for active youth, thanks to the All—Russian Student Forum "I am a Volunteer" and the forum of student communities of the Central Federal District "Your ideas are your life". All those who cannot imagine themselves without creativity are waiting for the events of the regional project "Design of your future", and those who are serious about building family relationships – the project "Your family". The inspiring beginning will give strength and energy to successfully cope with the intra-university projects "Polytech - Creative", "Polytech - Media", "Polytech - International" and "Polytech - Mentors".

We should add that this year 2,293 projects from 340 Russian universities have been submitted to the Rosmolodezh competition. The innovation was a comprehensive application, which is a program that combines several projects of one or more areas of youth policy in the university, region and country. For the implementation of its program, Ivanovo Polytechnic University received a maximum grant for one university in the amount of 15 million rubles. The only one among all the participants!

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